Moda Health. Healthcare from your head to your toes. Delta Dental | Moda Health

Health Happens – Shared Decision Options

Moda Health encourages you to know your options. You are the most important decision maker when it comes to your health, and the more you know, the more confident you will feel knowing you've made the right decision for you.

Moda Health is proud to partner with you on your journey to better health and better options.

Know your options

Are you in the middle of treatment for a medical condition?

Has a medical provider recommended a treatment plan for you for a medical condition?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, it is important you know your health options. That's right, as a patient you have just as much say in your treatment plan as your provider. To help you, Moda Health is pleased to offer the decision support tools below. These tools will help you evaluate the options you have for your treatment. The tools will also help you better understand the benefits and risks of a surgery or other medical procedure (such as an ultrasound our colonoscopy) while still following your doctor's treatment plan. That means, you get the care you need and are most comfortable with; and your doctor is happy too.

If you are considering a specialty procedure (such as a knee arthroscopy, a scope of your knee) you can also work one-on-one with dedicated healthcare professionals. These professionals are clinically (medically) trained in motivational interviewing and coaching. They will help you find what things will make you successful and will help you evaluate your options, all within the context of you personal preferences, values and priorities.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Minimally invasive procedures (MIP) are a less invasive way to perform an operation. Instead of using a large incision (opening) that is several inches long, a surgeon performs a surgery with a few incisions that are less than a ½ inch long. The surgeon also uses a special medical scope with a camera on the end of it to see the structures inside the body. The usual benefits of an MIP are less pain, shorter time to get back to regular activity, less infection, and better cosmetic results.

Online tools and resources

Online tools are a great way to track and manage your health. Plus, with online tools you can research medical conditions, treatments and much more so you can have all the facts you need to choose the options that are best for you.

As a Moda Health member, you have access to many valuable tools and resources* through Member Dashboard, your personalized member website. Log on to Member Dashboard today to access these helpful resources:

Find Care

Looking for a physician, dentist, pharmacy or clinic? Our online search application allows you to sort by distance, specialty, gender or language spoken. You also can view hospital affiliations for doctors, change filtering options and more.

Member Dashboard

As a member of Moda Health, you have access to Member Dashboard, your personalized member website. Creating a Member Dashboard account is easy and helps you manage your benefits so you get the most from your plan. Read on to learn more about the resources available to you through Member Dashboard.

About Moda Health

* Not all plans have access to all tools and resources. Please check your member handbook for your plan-specific tools and resources.

Moda Health Provider Network

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Employer web tools

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Benefit Tracker

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Producer web tools


We have exciting news to share. ODS is changing its name to Moda Health.

Moda comes from the latin term "modus" and means "a way". We picked it because that's what we are here to do: help our communities find a way to better health.

Together, we can be more, be better.

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